Looking for the best all round Christmas Guide? Make sure you read this one from Kids on the Coast.
Listing all your top tips for Gifting (see Five and Knux's Shoe Wings make top of the list on page 5) School Holiday Fun, Christmas Events, Games and Activities and who could forget, your fav festive recipes.
Gold Coasters, looking for something to do this weekend?
Get down to the Broadwater Parklands for the Follow Us Fun Day...from 9am - 2pm this Saturday 6th November, 2021.
We’ll be there with the summer range from Five and Knux, so please come see us!! Start your Christas shopping, have the kids entertained with jumping castle, skate park experience, entertainment and food stalls of course.
Kids in the City and Kids on the Coast magazines in Brisbane, the Sunshine Coast and the Gold Coast featured one of Five and Knux's winter pieces in the "Check this out" Section!
Five + Knux was featured in the July / August edition of Kids in the City and Kids on the Coast magazines in Brisbane, the Sunshine Coast and the Gold Coast both in the Local News section and the "Check this out" pages for our latest hot piece, the hooded denim jacket!